OpenILIAS Uni Göttingen
  • Anmelden


Possible Challenges (1/3)

Challenge 1: The Language Barrier, especially when the investigator does not know the native language and a translator (or interpreter) is employed.

In this case, the use of translators and interpreters “is not merely a technical matter that has little bearing on the outcome. It is of epistemological consequence as it influences what is “found”.
Some basic problems could happen when having a translator, such as:
  • the translator’s effect on the informant;
  • the translator’s effect on the communicative process;
  • the translator’s effect on the translation. (Temple 1997:614)
The possible solution could be that the investigator needs to acknowledge their dependence on the translator, “not just for words but to a certain extent for perspective”. In doing so, the investigator needs to constantly discuss and debate conceptual issues with their translator in order to ensure that conceptual equivalence has been achieved (Temple, 1997:616).

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